Oscar-winning actress Emma Stone revealed this week her real name is Emily and that she would love to be called by her actual ...
Actress Emma Stone said that she is ready to abandon her stage name and go back to her real name – Emily. The 35-year-old ...
Mark Ruffalo agreed to call Emma Stone by her real name, writing "we love you, Emily" on X while sharing an article about her ...
你已經看過拿下金球獎與奧斯卡多項肯定的《可憐的東西》了嗎?是不是又被艾瑪史東(Emma Stone)神一般的演技又圈粉了一次呢?演過無數經典角色 ...
If you thought Emma Stone was Emma Stone’s real name, you are sorely mistaken. The two-time Oscar winner shared last week that she would like to be called by her given name – Emily Stone ...
(Gray News) - Emma Stone would like to be called by her real name. During a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, ...